Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Love to Hate.

So, after months of early retirement, I have finally become wound up enough to get this hunk 'o junk moving again. Something has got me soooo worked up that I just had to rush out and blog to all 2 of my followers. Some heinous atrocity that has wreaked havoc across the nation has invaded every waking moment of my life and shaken me into impotent rage.

But what has done this to me? Is it the outrage sparked by the BNP's appearance on Question Time? Is it the mounting panic caused by the nations collective sigh of relief at the end of the recession (let's start borrowing again)? Have I suddenly become acutely aware of world debt? Or perhaps the plight of the rain forest? Has the recent spate of high profile celebrity deaths become to much to bear?

None of these things can compare to the horror that is John and Edward, of X-Factor fame.

Good god. Never, in the glorious history of broadcasting, has there been two more hated 'personalities'. Bernard Manning and Roy Chubby Brown once teamed up to be guest speakers at the Black Power Mother in Law's Gay Vegetarians annual general meeting. They were a bigger hit than John and Edward.

But no. They have now survived 3 weeks of the show. 3 Weeks?!?!?! If I had lost out to John and Edward I would seriously consider suicide. The British Public keep them in. But WHY? Because we Love to Hate.

The countries most recent 'public enemy number one's' were Russel Brand and Jonathon Ross. Driven on by the media frenzy that cottoned on to their horrendous faux pas, some 4 days after it happened - the great British public leapt out of their collective armchairs and made thousands of complaints. In the ensuing aftermath, Brand lost his show and Ross had a 'sabbatical'. Meanwhile, the hapless 'victims', Andrew Sachs and his Granddaughter were given a part in Coronation Street and their own topless calendar...I'll leave you to decide which way round that was.

Despite their crimes, Ross still stars in the BBC's most watched chat show and Brand gets more column inches for shagging Katie Perry and her massive chest than any plea against World Debt or suicide attack in Iraq.

The point is, as much as we HATE John and Edward, with their inexplicable hair, naive self belief and infectiously annoying personalities, they will no doubt win X-Factor and take home the prize. The Nation loves Idiots.

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